1:25 PM

Boring Summer Day #1

AH; so bored!!!
mood: pissed off D:<
weeeek by NEWS (haha this song taught me how to say the days in japanese xD)

today i have math tutor; bleh it's so boring it starts at 3;30 to 5;30 U KNOW THAT'S 2 HOURS LONG! 2 HOURS!!! bleh, im gonna ask my teacher (i call him by his chinese name >-<) what day Rebecca Liao and Oliver Thio go on, becuz my mom said that they go there, so that i can go on that day :D out of NEWS i think i like Tegoshi the best haha, and then Yamapi? and then Ryo? and then Masuda for some reason i dont reli like Koyama and Shige as much X_x;
haha. oh currently im playing Final Fantasy Tactics A2, and i can't friggin beat this boss Dx he's like so hard, or maybe i just suck haha, it's that sandcrab robotic one o.o; lol this post is kinda short becuz im about to go eat pho :] hehe oki bye bye~