6:30 PM

Yuto and Love

Yuto's ideal girl<3

「If you become my girlfriend, then please take care of me 〔smiles〕」


「My ideal type of girl」
1. 髪は肩ぐらいの長さで、黒かほどよいおっ茶色がベスト。
- Shoulder length hair, black one's is just right, brown is best.
2. 目はパッチリ。健康的にほどよく色白なのが好きだよ。
- Big and beautiful eyes. Healthy skin colour is just right, but I like fair-skinned ones.
3. たま~にメガネをかけてたりすると、キュンとなる!
- Wear glasses occasionally, that will make people feel suffocating (because of falling in love of her)!
4. ジーパンにワンピース重ね着とかがカワイイ!
- Wear heavily clothed one-piece dress and jeans will make her look cute!
5. スタイルは細め。背中は自分と同じぐらいの高いと〇。
- Slender type and about the same height as me will be good.

「Yuto Nakajima's 'Lovers Requirements'」
[x] 僕のことが好き 〔Likes me〕
[ ] 僕は彼女のことが好き 〔I like her〕
[x] 話しやすい 〔Easy to communicate with〕
[x] 気づかいができる 〔Has awareness to surrounding/atmosphere〕
[x haha yes alot xD] ケンカできる 〔Can quarrel〕
[x of course] でも次の日には仲直りできる 〔But everything will be sorted out on the next day〕
[ ] 浮気しない 〔Faithful〕
[x] はっきり好ききらいがいえる 〔States what she likes/dislikes clearly〕
[] 大人っぱい 〔adult-like/mature〕
[x] 頼れるタイプ 〔someone that I can rely/depend on〕

*Note* Tick the boxes and check how many ticks you've got :
0~2 : You need to work harder?
3~5 : We can probably be friends~!
6~8 : You can become my girlfriend?
9~10 : We can get married!?

haha yay i can become his girlfriend lol xD

「Special things I will do with my love」
1.楽しいよ!でもうるさいかも 〔Have fun! But I will be noisy/annoying〕
2.レバ刺とかシブい物が食べられる 〔Eat raw lever dishes and taste astringent/bitter/strong tasted food〕
3.いっしょに買い物に行こう!〔Go shopping together!〕
4.お菓子とかをあげるよ 〔I'll give you sweets/candies〕
〔Although I am not good at it, I can take care of you *smiles*〕

Okay here is the second part;
he was answer questions in an interview for a magazine called "MyOjo"
and there were some questions dealing with love so here u go;

Q.) If you have a girlfriend, what do you want to be called by her?
Yuto will be fine.

Q.) Meeting up with your girlfriend, how long would you wait?
About 1 hour.

Q.) When you get a girlfriend, do you want to contact each other everyday?
No. For me, if we don’t meet each other everyday, our hearts will be always connected, isn’t it nice?

Q.) Mature girl or cute girl, which is your type?
A mature girl.

Q.) Chubby type or slender type, which is your type?

Q.) Quiet girl or active girl, which is your type?
Active girl to an extent.

Q.) What kind of situation do you fall in love?
When I feel a mature fascination?

Q.) What do you demand for your future wife?
Men are usually careless, a person that can be depended on will be nice.

Q.) What does love means to you?
The love itself.